A Response to Ekal Imana: Past Mistakes of the Turkanas and Lessons to be Learned

By Immanuel Lokwei, I think that of late, like the last ten years or so, the Pokots have had an upper hand both militarily and diplomatically. I think you [Mr. Imana] are quite right that this ethnic fighting has been unidirectional, “starts from Pokot and ends in Turkana.” But let us ask ourselves, why have … Continue reading A Response to Ekal Imana: Past Mistakes of the Turkanas and Lessons to be Learned

Turkana-Pokot Conflict is a One-Sided Aggression: The Pokots always attack, while the Turkanas are Unresponsive

By Ekal Imana, I do not know if you understand the nature of the current insecurity problem. If you do, you should then know that the problem is unidirectional, it starts from pokot and ends in Turkana. It is the pokot who are attacking unresponsive Turkanas. The Turkana no longer attack back. The pokots come, … Continue reading Turkana-Pokot Conflict is a One-Sided Aggression: The Pokots always attack, while the Turkanas are Unresponsive